  First Name Peter
  QTH Mount Pleasant, WI
  Prior Call(s) ⇰  WN2QLL
  Other interests ⇰  
  Email  WB2QLL
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I was first licensed in 1965 at age 13 in New York City as WN2QLL. Got an FCC First Class Radiotelephone in 1969 and worked mostly for radio stations in New York, New Hampshire, Vermont and finally Wisconsin as a DJ and talk host before becoming self employed as a voiceover narrator in 2014. Did some newspaper, script, and book writing along the way. Got my Amateur Extra in 2000 just a few weeks before the end of the 20 wpm test. I've had a station and been at least a little active all this time.

I enjoy a good rag chew, whether on slow cw, digital modes or AM. I've been playing with SDRs for years, and enjoy using and working on vintage rigs as well as homebrew construction. I go to a lot of the Chicago-Milwaukee area hamfests - they are fun, low impact, and inspirational. I make some of my own telegraph keys, and you can see a video of a fully automatic bug by searching for my call on YouTube. My SKCC is 6200.

If I've worked you, Thanks for the chat and hope we can meet again soon.



Here's a video of my homebrew bug that does automatic DAHs as well as DITs . . .


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  Last update June 3, 2017