  First Name Joe
  QTH Kansas City, KS
  Prior Call(s) N∅KZO
  Other interests 
  Email  KF∅XV

I got my ticket in '89 and have enjoyed Ham radio ever since.

I work all bands, SSB, AM, CW and Digital. At present my equipment consists of: Flex-3000 and an Ameritron AL-80B Amp. Drake T4XC/R4C. AM, Hallicrafters SX-28 Receiver And some other older AM equipment.

I have now received my new Flex-1500 QRP SDR rig and am using it for my QRP fun, CW and Digi stuff, also have a new Yaesu FT-817ND used for the same.

Antennas are a Dipole on 75/80 and 40m and a Cushcraft R-6000 Vertical, 20 - 6 meters.

My homebrew CW transmitter is a 6AG7 driving an 807 at 50 watts out with a Drake R4A on Rx but I do have a few others I put on the air every now and then.

I am now using the Flex-3000 for all modes AM, CW & SSB and Digital. Its a great Rig and the software is very easy to operate.

SKCC# 3520T
NAQCC# 585
4SQRP # 653

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