  First Name Dave
  QTH University City, MO
  Prior Call(s) ⇰  N4VIB
  Other interests ⇰  
  Email K2DP
  My External Web Sites None

K2DP began his ham radio career in 1964 as WN2PMP located in
Oceanside, Long Island, New York. Dave's interest in amateur radio
was fostered and nurtured by his OM, Jerry, WA2GEX (now SK).

Dave quickly advanced in the hobby and became WN2PMP in
1965 and held that call until November, 1996.

Dave is interested in DX'ing, contesting, 50 MHz operation and the
restoration and operation of classic "boat anchor" tube type ham
gear of the 40's, 50's and 60's.

73 to all and hope to meet you on the air someday,

Dave K2DP

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  Last update July 7, 2017